Succession in Thailand: Heirship

Thailand Succession and Inheritance

Heirship: Disinheritance

An heir can be anyone under the discretion of the testator. However, such an heir can be excluded from succession under Section 1606 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code (TCCC), in the following circumstances:

  1. Acts with prejudices or fraudulent intentions in getting an excess inheritance.
  2. Is guilty of having committed premeditated murder on the testator.
  3. Is prosecuted for having committed an offense with a death sentence. 
  4. Is convicted for bringing a false charge or fabricating false evidence. 
  5. Causes a duress or fraud towards the testator in making, revoking, or changing a will partly or entirely.
  6. Forges, destroys, or conceals a will partially or entirely.

Line of Succession: Heirs

The line of succession, according to Section 1629 of the TCCC, shall be determined in the following order:

  1. Descendants (sons and daughters)
  2. Parents
  3. Full-blood brothers and sisters 
  4. Half-blood brothers and sisters
  5. Grandparents
  6. Uncles and aunts

Descendants: Sons and Daughters

There are 3 types of descendants as prescribed in Section 1627 of the TCCC:

  1. A legitimate child
  2. An illegitimate child
  3. An adopted child

Parents: Biological and Adopted

Parents can qualify under two conditions by the prescription of the TCCC:

  1. A mother who gave birth to the child as defined by Section 1546.
  2. A father with legal legitimacy as defined by Section 1547.

However, child adopters cannot receive inheritance from the child as the testator.

Spouse: Marriage-Registered and Marriage-Unregistered

Before the deceased testator, who had married and registered a marriage with a competent government official, such a spouse is entitled to receive the inheritance in the following circumstances by virtue of Section 1635 of the TCCC:

  1. If the sons or daughters survive or have a representative, the spouse shall receive the same amount of inheritance as them.
  2. If the parents or the full-blood brothers and sisters survive or have a representative, the spouse shall receive one-half of the inheritance.
  3. If the half-blood brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncles, or aunts survive or have a representative, the spouse shall receive two-thirds of the inheritance.
  4. If no heir under Section 1629 of the TCCC survives, the spouse shall receive the entire inheritance.

However, a spouse who did not register marriage with the testator prior to the death, cannot have the right to receive inheritance as a sibling.

Should you have inquiries regarding Succession in Thailand, don’t hesitate to reach out us. Our team of Thai and international lawyers is dedicated to assisting you in every possible way.

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Category: Civil and Commercial Law, Thai Will and Testament

About the Author (Author Profile)

Siam Legal is an international law firm with experienced lawyers, attorneys, and solicitors both in Thailand law and international law. This Thailand law firm offers comprehensive legal services in Thailand to both local and foreign clients for Litigation such as civil & criminal cases, labor disputes, commercial cases, divorce, adoption, extradition, fraud, and drug cases. Other legal expertise of the law firm varied in cases involving corporate law such as company registration & Thailand BOI, family law, property law, and private investigation.

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